Key highlights at a glance 2024

Onsite visit to the Socar Polymer production facility*. Delegates will have the opportunity to visit Azerbaijan's leading polypropylene and high-density polyethylene production site. They will learn about the Company's future development plans and engage in informal discussions with the management team.

*Limited participation slots available; please contact the organising committee for participation details

150+ participants from over 10 countries worldwide: Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Russia, Belarus, China, and Europe.

Development thrusts of the polymer industry in Azerbaijan and CIS: trends, challenges, and new opportunities

Exclusive exhibition: featuring EPC contractors and engineering, showcasing innovative technological and technical solutions for polymer production

20+ investment projects in the polymer industry: new constructions and modernisation of existing production facilities

30+ presentations by industry leaders: key production company executives, investors, equipment and service providers, regulatory authorities, and other experts

New in the programme! Process automation in the polymer industry: integration of new automated systems with existing production lines and information systems

Roundtable discussion: directly ask your questions to top industry management! Topics include factors influencing the development of the polymer industry: pricing, new sales markets, and cost optimisation

Staying relevant! Catalysts and chemical additives for polymers - how to improve polymer properties and functionality?

Sustainability and greening of the polymer industry: waste management and recycling, legislative impacts

30+ hours of business and informal networking: pre-arranged one-on-one meetings, business lunches, coffee breaks, interactive discussions, and more

Financing projects in the polymer industry: comprehensive guide on attracting capital and managing financial risks

Cocktail Reception for relaxed networking and new connections!


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